
Thank you for visiting FutureFit. By joining in you are showing that small actions add up to real change. Here are some extra resources, programmes and groups that can help you and your team take action.

Live Lightly shows everyday lifestyle choices we can all make to save money, have a healthier life and care for the planet. Find out how you travel, the energy you use, the food you eat, what you buy and waste, makes an impact. Information, funding, pledges, stories, inspirational speakers and films and events for Aucklanders at home, at work or at school.
Meal planning tools, recipes, storage tips, portion guides, advice on best before and use by dates, local events and more, so you can Love Food and Hate Waste at your place.
Putting the spotlight on clean and clever energy choices. Practical information and tips to make your home warm and dry and save money on your energy bills.

Provides an online self-check to find out if your home is warm, dry and healthy. You can also get an independent advisor to come to assess your home to see if it qualifies for HomeFit certification.

Public transport portal
With local timetables and journey planners so you can take the bus, train or ferry to work, or if you are interested in finding someone to carpool check out
Connecting groups, individuals and landowners undertaking ecological restoration in Aotearoa.

Climate change in New Zealand
Information on future impacts, the zero carbon bill and progress towards our international climate change commitments.
Fostering a generation of New Zealanders who instinctively think and act sustainably.

New Zealand Climate Action Network
linking people and organisations who share the vision of a safe, just climate future. A space for New Zealand's climate movement to communicate, collaborate and cooperate.
Join the movement of over 34,000 young kiwis working to cut carbon pollution.